Alex Jones Finds His Messiah: 'I'm Ready To Die For Trump'

Such a drama queen!

Like it or not, Alex Jones is getting a seat at the White House press table, so what he says actually does matter, especially when you consider his expertise at spreading fake news such as the notion that Lady Gaga uttered some kind of Satanic incantation during her Super Bowl performance last night.

Today's fare is slightly less insane, but only slightly. Jones, you see, wants everyone to know he would lay down his life for his brother Donald Trump. Not only that, but people who leak things are worthy of execution.

You read that right. Execution.

"Trump is so fire-breathing, so energetic, so cunning, so real, and he’s having results so amazing that it just makes me endeared to Trump," Jones gushed. "I’m ready to die for Trump, at this point. And I’m already ready to die for America, it’s the same feeling I have for America, because he is America, you’re America."

But you liberals, not so much. You're not America.

He kept going. "It’s the same way I get endeared to people I know that have fought hard and lost legs or arms for this country and just how hard working and good they are and how compared to the average person who’s lazy and doesn’t care, I just feel humble to be around those type of people."

Someone is going to have to explain the leap Jones makes from "energetic, so cunning, so real" to veterans who actually had arms and legs blown off in war. Also, could someone ask him if he feels humble to be around people like Senator Tammy Duckworth. I'm pretty sure he'd make a distinction.

In addition to being a diviner of Satanic incantations, Jones is also a "policy wonk," by his own proclamation. "I know that Trump and [Stephen] Bannon really know what are happening... they’re really trying to cut taxes, they’re really trying to get loans to small businesses, they’re really trying to get us out of carbon taxes and Obamacare, and they’re doing it, they’re delivering."

Not so much. BUT IT'S JUST LIKE 1776.

"This is bigger than 1776 if Trump can deliver!"

Apparently, though, he's a little bummed about bureaucrats leaking things.

"And then I see all the news -- I’ve got articles today, 'Ha ha, there’s tens of thousands of bureaucrats that are going to leak everything you’re doing militarily and sabotage you.' That’s called treason. That’s executionable.”

Actually, it's just batsh*t crazy. And that crazy is being blasted out on the Internet to hundreds of thousands of Alex Jones listeners, who would be more than willing to pick up a gun and shoot those bastards leaking. That's called incitement, Alex.

By the way, if Alex Jones is so anxious to die for His Messiah, perhaps he should be first in line to enlist for military service. That's the quickest way for him to realize his dream, and I guarantee Trump will have plenty of opportunities for martyrdom.

Transcript courtesy of Media Matters.

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