Anna Navarro: Transgender Students 'Have A Right To Piss As I Do'

Ana Navarro slapped down Trump surrogate for always finding "the most horrific case about a criminal and paint it with a broad brush stroke" to defend the cruelty coming from Trump's policies.

During a fiery debate on CNN over Trump's decision to strip away protections for transgender students, Republican Ana Navarro left Kayleigh McEnany stupefied when she supported LGBTQ people and said, "They have the same exact rights that I do to love, to marry, to live, to live in liberty and to piss as I do."

On CNN's New Day co-hosted by Alisyn Camerota, the discussion was over Trump's punitive executive order yesterday.

This order, if nothing else was like sending a bountiful gift basket to the most hateful religious-right Republicans in the GOP.

Christine Quinn said the entire action was cruel because "transgender students have a much higher rate of suicide and attempted suicide than other children and other students do."

Trump surrogate Kayleigh McEnany, as usual, found a smirky way to defend her president. She said she's fine with Caitlin Jenner using the stall next to her, but then launched into the same tactics every Trump operative uses, citing a single example of some atrocity and make believe it permeates the entire country and the debate.

She laughingly said, "Because it had nothing to do with hurting children."


It's all about throwing a bone to the extremists that permeate Trump's base of support.

Then she launched into a "Milo style" attack on anti-transgender bathroom laws by slyly labeling transgenders as sexual predators and said, "When a man walked into a locker room at Seattle Parks and Services and undressed in front of little girls who were changing in front of gym practice which is why we should allow the states to --"

Quinn said, "That's not a transgender man that walked in there."

Sexual predators do not care what the laws are, Kayleigh.

They battled over some statistics McEnany used about women being assaulted that Quinn denied was true.

Ana Navarro then was asked to comment and she said, "I'm a Republican. I am 100% in favor of LGBTQ rights.They have the same exact rights that I do to love, to marry, to live, to live in liberty and to piss as I do."

Her response left McEnany stunned.

"Let's not start talking about sexual deviants and predators," she said. "It's unfair to target these kids that are already bullied, that are already so fragile with such words and such discussion. We are talking about human beings."

Kayleigh said she wasn't against transgenders, but was only looking out for women that could be preyed upon.

Navarro said, "You always make this argument. We talk about immigration, you find the most horrific case about a criminal and paint it with a broad brush stroke, we're talking about Transgender youth and you find some horrific case involving a sexual predator."

Check out the rest of the segment.

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