Marsha Blackburn Lies To Wolf Blitzer About 'Outsiders' At Her Town Hall

CNN's Wolf Blitzer refused to let Rep. Blackburn pass on claims about her town hall without offering up proof of her allegations.

On Thursday, CNN's Wolf Blitzer refused to allow Rep. Marsha Blackburn to allege her town hall was filled with outsiders without offering up proof to that effect and said, "How do you know only a third of the people that were inside actually were from your district?"

Since Republican town halls have been besieged with angry constituents, conservatives have been claiming they are all paid protesters.

Nobody is believing that nonsense except Trump's most loyal supporters. You know, the ones that wouldn't care if he murdered someone in the street just to make a point.

What's equally ridiculous about Blackburn's claim is that she sent out invitations to her town hall and then checked IDs to make sure they weren't undocumented workers outside agitators.

You would expect a small group of people to make it in, but to state that 2/3 of your town hall were from TN-7 is outrageous.

Wolf asked, "Is that true that RSVPs were only going to people from your district and they checked their IDs before they were allowed inside?"

She hemmed and hawed about people admitting they were outsiders or were overheard saying other things, but her proof wasn't proof at all.

Marsha said, "We do know that people were overheard in the line saying, 'Oh, you know, say that you live in Williamson County.' But there again, Wolf, my goodness, you know, they were people that came. They came in. I took their questions."

Wolf would not let her off the hook and said, "Did they check IDs when people came in to see if their addresses were in your district?"

Blackburn responded, "They did and they also -- they also looked at the parking lot. There were a lot of out of state tags. They did check IDs when people came in the door."

Wolf replied, "But if people had IDs showing they lived in your district, that's pretty straightforward."


The media needs to keep doing their jobs in this manner.

The lies put forth by Trump, his administration and Congressional toadies are astronomical.

I think Wolf needs to get a fruit basket as well.

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