Comedic Brilliance: Colbert Explains Trump's Russia Problem
The GOP might be winning the war on facts, but they have no chance to prevail over our late night comedians like Stephen Colbert.
Stephen Colbert notices that this Russian dilemma raises questions, aside from the obvious question, 'are you f*^king kidding me?' Taking cues from the majority of media outlets that there's plenty of smoke here, Colbert's take was, "Where there's smoke, there's Stephen Miller blowing it up Trump's ass."
Indeed, the red flags raised by the unorthodox collusion between all the 'president's men' and our number one foe since WW II, are not just a pun, they are real. We know this is far beyond the scope of Watergate, and it seems there might be a few on the myopic Right who are finally seeing the scope of this 'unpresidented' lunacy and incompetence. One inevitable comic relief is always Sean Spicer.
REPORTER: Can you say, definitively, that nobody on the Trump campaign, not even General Flynn, had any contact with the Russians before the election?
SPICER: I don't have any--there's nothing that would conclude me that anything different has changed with respect to that time period.
COLBERT: Yes, there is nothing that would conclude him that anything different has changed. Heard me that, and conclude ass out of talk he.
Of course, the "president" immediately took to the Twitter to defend his administration saying: "This Russian connection nonsense is merely an attempt to cover up the many mistakes made in Hillary Clinton's losing campaign."
Yes indeed, it's obvious he can't stop obsessing over Hillary Clinton. Stephen puts it in perspective:
Buddy, you're the only one talking about Hillary Clinton. You're like that guy who's still talking about a big touchdown he made 20 years ago. By the way, Hillary won the popular touchdown
His psychotic attachment to the idea of 'fake news' is helping him sound more unhinged each day. Trump tweeted "the real scandal here is that classified information is illegally given out by 'intelligence' like candy. very un-American!"
COLBERT: Here's the thing: it can't be both fake news and an illegal leak of classified information. "Your honor, I did not murder that man. The real criminal is whoever filmed me strangling him."
He held a press conference today, because in the middle of all this insanity, Israeli Prime Minister, Benjamin Netanyahu visited the White House. As a courtesy, Trump asked his staff to put a 24-hour hold on retweeting neo-Nazis. That's just good manners. That's just good manners. he's a lovely host.
The absurdity of all the denial, especially that from Paul Manafort is put into a sketch where a few actors pretend to be non-Russian 'regular' people. Nothing to see here, right Trump? Colbert exposed the irony of how the GOP wants us to just move on. We should just put it behind us, like Chaffetz did with Benghaaaaazzzziiii.
A few wise bloggers noted recently that the best part of this doom-and-gloom-incompetent-government is the renaissance of artistic brilliance that will emerge from our best and brightest.
Our sanity depends on entertainment and distraction to combat the misery caused by the Trump Administration. We must expose the abject stupidity in a way that everyone can understand. When people see the humor in a situation, they usually get it. It is one of our best weapons against the dysfunctional destruction of the Republican Party's monster-in-chief.
Those who are the funniest are the ones who usually understand life's trials thoroughly. That's why our comedians will be the guiding light out of this age of Trump darkness. Once pop culture catches on, social and political change is inevitable. Here's to hoping for a quick education of all those stuck in the alternative-fact universe!