Congressmen Call On Ethics Office To Recommend Discipline For Conway

Well, this is a refreshing change.

House Oversight Chairman Jason Chaffetz and Ranking Member Elijah Cummings have fired off a letter to the Office of Government Ethics over Kellyanne Conway's "free advertisement" for Ivanka Trump's merchandise.

In their letter, they demand that the ethics office review her conduct and make a recommendation for "appropriate disciplinary action (such as reprimand, suspension, demotion, or dismissal)." The letter also requests that the OGE report back to the committee on their recommendation for disciplinary action.

Chaffetz tweeted this, along with a link to the letter:

Chaffetz and Cummings are not the only people expressing concerns. According to reports, the Office of Government Ethics has been overwhelmed with calls over this.

As I said in another post, what she did is grounds for immediate termination in any other administration. But because we are now dealing with a Trump administration, where the Trump brand is business AND government, there seems to be the perception that blending the two is a perfectly acceptable practice.

It isn't, and Kellyanne Conway may be about to discover the consequences of putting on her sales hat while on the government's payroll.

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