DHS Sec Kelly Hopes Trump's Wall Built 'Within Next 2 Years'

DHS secretary gives Fox News a very ambitious time frame for completing the border wall.

Fox News interviewed the new head of Homeland Security, John Kelly, and he was asked about building Trump's border. The DHS sec gave a very ambitious time frame for completing the border wall and said, "I really hope to have it done within the next two years."

Fox News traveled with Secretary Kelly down to Texas to get an exclusive!

"I think it'll [wall] will be built where it's needed first, and then filled in. That's the way I look at it. I really hope to have it done within the next two years."

Fox News is reporting that Kelly believes they have the authority to build the wall, they are just waiting for the money.

Kelly, who was tasked by the president’s executive order with overseeing the planning and construction of the wall, echoed Trump in saying they already “have the authority” under existing law.

“We're looking at the money aspect,” he acknowledged. But he said the White House is working with Congress on the timetable.

“I think the funding will come relatively quickly and like I said, we will build it where it's needed first as identified by the men and women who work the border," Kelly emphasized.

Kelly said it will be only a matter of months before construction begins.

It seems pretty naive If Kelly thinks the money will magically show up in a bank account in the next few months, more power to him.

And a recent Morning Consult poll shows support for the wall drops from 45% to 29% if the US Taxpayer is going to pay for it.

When told the cost of the wall will be between $8 billion and $14 billion, 42 percent of those polled — a clear plurality — say it should not be built at all. Sixteen percent say it should only be built if Mexico pays, and 29 percent say they favor the project even if the U.S. pays.

Oh, wait. Mexico will gladly PayPal the 10 billion needed for the wall, right?

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