Either Kellyanne Conway Lied To The Press Or Everybody Else Did

It depends on who you ask, it seems.

Kellyanne Conway went on MSNBC Monday afternoon, and said "General Flynn does enjoy the full confidence of the president."

As we know, a few hours later, Gen. Flynn resigned.

This morning, Conway then went on at least three TV news stations and said it was Flynn's decision to resign.

Kellyanne on The Today Show:

"Mike Flynn had decided it was best to resign. He knew he had become a lightning rod and he made that decision."

"I spoke with the president this morning. He asked me to speak on his behalf and reiterate that Mike Flynn had resigned. He decided the situation had become unsustainable for him and of course the president accepted that resignation."

Kellyanne on Fox and Friends:

"That was a decision he made and the president accepted his resignation."

Kellyanne on Good Morning America:

"President Trump has asked me to join you today to say that he accepted the resignation of General Flynn."

This afternoon, White House press secretary Sean Spicer claimed that the decision was made by Trump, who forced Gen. Flynn to resign.

In his opening remarks Spicer explained, "The president got to the point where General Flynn's relationship, misleading the Vice President and others or the possibly that he had forgotten critical details of this important conversation had created a critical mass and an unsustainable situation. That's why the president asked for his resignation and he got it."

The president must have complete and unwavering trust for the person in that position,” he continued. “The evolving and eroding level of trust as a result of this situation in a series of other questionable instances is what led the president decided to ask for his resignation and he got it.”

So which is it? Did Flynn go of his own accord, a la Kellyanne, or is Spicer's account the right one?

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