Fox And Friends Guides Trump's Foreign Policy

Trump embraced a Fox and Friends segment that bashed President Obama and immediately sent it wide and far.

Donald Trump is taking Twitter dictation from Fox News again.

Ten minutes after Fox and Friends aired a segment calling President Obama's handling of Russia and Crimea as "weak," Trump tweets: Crimea was TAKEN by Russia during the Obama Administration. Was Obama too soft on Russia?"

It's now been reported a Russian spy ship is near our shores, Trump tweeted this out ten minutes later,

We could say that by Russia not sending a spy ship close to our eastern shores under Obama's term, that would suggest real strength from him, right Donald?

What's frightening is that Trump is tweeting his foreign policy thoughts on a massive scale to the world and those tweets are obviously being dictated by partisan hack cheerleaders on Fox News.

It's bizarre.

And Trump made sure to reward the F&F gang with another tweet shortly afterwards.

Fox & Friends did many segments on the Russian spy ship this morning, trying to promote the idea that Trump really isn't Putin's pal. It seems awfully convenient, doesn't it? I mean so soon after Flynn was sh*t canned.

Anyway, Kirk Lippold, the former Captain of the USS Cole, who was not happy how the Navy treated his actions during the Al-Qaeda bombing in 2000, explained how Trump should respond get together with our NATO allies and draft a unified response.

Steve Doocy was energized by this and said, "That would be refreshing given the fact that during the last administration, we didn’t really stand up to Russia so much, did we?”

I think he means that President Obama didn't lick Putin's boots every chance he got, but anyway....

Brian Kilmeade was in serious damage control all morning and outlined how Trump is seriously being tested by Russia. He took today's news to heart and made it seem like Trump couldn't be friends with Putin if a spy ship is hanging around.

Kilmeade joyously recounted Nikki Haley's UN statements condemning Russia and said, "the face on Russian ambassador was relatively stunned, they weren’t expecting that. “Are they beginning to understand on some level, or are they going to be forced to understand that there’s a new sheriff in town?”

This is so laughable. "Brian Kilmeade, the Trump White House's international diplomacy expert."

Lippold said it wasn't necessarily a new sheriff, but we won't tolerate this new aggression.

Ainsley Earhardt jumped in to defend the idea that Trump is a rugged US Marshal from Tombstone and said, “Well if Donald Trump does fight back, how is that not a new sheriff in town? You’re talking about consistency, it’d be totally different than what President Obama did and how he reacted.”

Lippold agreed: "Well, that’s a failure of the previous administration. This administration is setting a new tone and a new way of doing business.”

Watching Fox and Friends during the Trump administration is like viewing a show that exists on Earth 2, from the TV show Fringe.

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