Fox And Friends: Hillary Would Have Picked Gen. Petraeus For Secretary Of State

Trying to rehabilitate Gen. Petraeus' reputation so Trump can choose him, Brian Kilmeade said that the convicted general would have been a choice of Hillary's to be SOS.

Of all the wacky things I heard since Gen. Flynn resigned, Fox and Friends co-host Brian Kilmeade stated for a fact that Gen. Petraeus is a good choice for Trump since he would have been considered by Hillary Clinton as a Secretary of State candidate because "he said extremely kind things about Hillary."

That's it! All it took was a few kind words and he's the next SOS.

No mention that Petraeus would still be on probation until April.

After Trumps' BFF's defended Flynn's actions for the most part, co-host Brian Kilmeade brought Gen. David Petraeus into the picture as the trio were discussing a replacement for Flynn's position.

After Kilmeade weirdly said Flynn's actions were a "coverup without a crime," he then discussed Petraeus, who was convicted of leaking top secrets to his lover.

Kilmeade said, " On Petraeus, Number one, Donald Trump kept saying look at what David Petraeus did, nothing compared to Hillary Clinton."

"Number two, there's no doubt about it, David Petraeus would have been a leading contender for Hillary Clinton's Secretary of State," he said.

How does Kilmeade know this, you ask?

Brian explained, "They were also extremely tight and he said extremely kind things about Hillary."

There you have it. With no facts or information to back up his ridiculous fantasy, Kilmeade has found his own weird justification for Petraeus to become Trump's new NSA.

It's Hillary!

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