'ACA Repeal Is Going To Kill Me, I Have To Get My Story Out'

An Arkansas women facing life threatening consequences if she loses her health care, got the brush off from Sen. Tom Cotton

Kati McFarland, who asked Sen. Tom Cotton a very pointed question on pre-existing conditions during Wednesday's town hall told MSNBC that she was peeved and said, "He kept saying, if you lose your coverage today, you can still have it."

During Sen. Cotton's town hall was very rowdy and got even more boisterous when McFarland told the Senator, "Without the coverage for pre-existing conditions, I will die. That is not hyperbole, I will die. Will you commit to replacements in the same way that you committed to the repeal?"

Cotton's answer was appalling when he said, "Thank you, Katie. Let's take a couple more comments or questions about health care."

The town hall crowd immediately responded with more venom towards their Senator.

MSNBC's Ali Velshi asked about her condition called EDS and the crowd's reaction to his answer and he asked, "Did you get a satisfactory answer?"

Kati answered, "Unfortunately I didn't, he just seemed to repeat my own question back at me. He kept saying, 'if you lose your coverage today, you can still have it,' but he made no promises as to what would happen in the future, once he votes for the repeal he keeps promising."

The MSNBC host then asked what she hoped to achieve and she replied, "I just thought, you know, if they are going to do this, if it's going to possibly kill me in the next couple years without health care, I have to get my story out and my face out when I can."

She continued, "If I put a human face on it, give them something they can really recognize like their daughter or their niece, it would change their heart."

Kati, you have to have a heart to change.

Ali asked her if she was some sort of political operative and she replied, "I voted in every election since I was able to, that's about it."

h/t TPM

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