Michigan Official And Trumpster Calls For 'Another Kent State'

Yeah let's just randomly shoot live ammo at college students. That should work!

Long-time readers of C&L know that I was a first-grader in Kent, Ohio the day four students were killed by National Guard troops on the Kent State University Campus, May 4, 1970.

For some Trumpster Republican officials, those are the glory days of counter-protests?

We've gone from the surreal to the ridiculous, folks.

And in case you didn't notice, Fox News is having a field day with it's new "Benghazi fire" footage, this time recorded at Berkeley. For the next gobzillion years they'll run that Berkeley footage anytime there's a protest, anywhere in the world, about anything.

A handful of self-important "anarchists" are now "all liberals" according to Fox. Don't let that happen again.

Oh and douchie has apologized...


That's okay Dan. We appreciate being reminded that fascists fantasize about killing protestors. It's what they do.

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