New Poll: Trump Supporters Believe 'Bowling Green Massacre' Was Real

A new PPP poll shows that 51% of Trump supporters believe that two Iraqis actually perpetrated the fictitious "Bowling Green Massacre."

A new PPP poll shows that 51% of Trump supporters believe that two Iraqis perpetrated the fictitious "Bowling Green Massacre."

Words do matter, Kellyanne.

This is an important reason why Trump voters say "Trump's immigration policy is needed."

Trump's approval rating has dipped down to 43%, while 53% disapprove.

And another takeaway that comes out of this poll is that "by a 48/43 spread, voters do think that the intent of the Executive Order is to be a Muslim ban. And just 22% support a Muslim ban, to 65% who are opposed."

Re-branding a bill doesn't seem to affect Trump supporters, but spreading lies about a terrorist attack that never happened does.

Sound about right?

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