Sean Spicer Says He Misspoke About Fictitious Atlanta Terrorist Attack

Mistakes like this are happening far too often in the Trump administration

On Thursday press secretary Sean Spicer finally admitted he meant to say "Orlando" when he named "Atlanta" as the site of a recent terror attack not once, but three times in the last few days.

What is going on in the Trump Administration when it comes to terrorism? And US Geography?

Any press secretary or communications director can make a mistake, that's not the issue, but repeatedly making the same mistake over and over again is not OK — especially when it concerns terrorist attacks and claims made by the sitting administration that use claims of "terrorism" to gin up fear in the American public.

But creating Orwellian propaganda to back up bigoted immigration policies is, sadly, standard operating procedure for the Trump White House.

Spicer first linked Atlanta to being attacked on ABC's "This Week" on January 29 while defending the President's travel ban: "What do we say to the family who loses somebody over a terroristic (sic) -- to whether it's Atlanta or San Bernardino or the Boston bomber? Those people, each of whom had gone out to a country and then come back."

He said this two additional times.

We are at the point where almost every citation of a "fact" has to be vetted... coming from any Trump spokesperson... on any topic.

Senior adviser Kellyanne "alternative facts" Conway or if you will, Ms. Bowling Green Massacre and press secretary Sean Spicer are only the most visible lying liars at 1600.
Truth does not matter to them, it's all about selling fear. And it's getting worse each day.

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