Sebastian Gorka Calls BBC News 'Fake News' For Questioning Trump
Trump's delusion team of propagandists take their act to the UK.
White House aide and alleged Nazi sympathizer Sebastian Gorka immediately began to attack Evan Davis, host of BBC Newsnight when he began asking pertinent questions about Trump's chaotic press conference on Thursday.
It's no secret that Trump has hired cranks and extremists to populate his administration. Gorka comes from the Breitbart school of lunacy so he is no different.
A Trump propaganda robot!
The first question was, "Do you think the press conference was bit unhinged, Mr. Gorka?"
Gorka replied,"I think it’s pathetic that the BBC would use words of that nature and also the adjective ‘weird. It’s only weird to journalists like yourself who are biased.”
In the second minute of their discussion, Evans asked how Trump's electoral college mistake creeped into his presser, he said, "this is a man that looks carefully at these things. What do you think was going on there?"
Gorka said, "I think you're getting a little bit obsessive yourself."
He finally responded to Trump's electoral college snafu and said, "It wasn’t an unequivocal statement of fact.” And then continued to attack the media for claiming Trump would lose the election, altogether.
When questioned about Trump's infantile behavior, Gorka replied, "Only to journalists who don't like him."
Gorka continued to promote Trump's claims that in one month the Trump administration has done more work than Obama had done in six.
Whenever Gorka was questioned about stories emanating from the Washington Post or NY Times, he called them all "fake news."
Evans said he wasn't making fake news claims, he was trying to understand and we're asking questions that you don't like.
When the host asked Gorka why Trump said he didn't know about the Flynn-Russia story, then we found out he knew about it for weeks, Gorka replied, "You are obsessing on issues that aren't the point."
Evans shot back. "I'm asking a perfectly simple question --
"No, you're obsessing..."
"I'm asking it once..."
Gorka changed the subject by saying the White House is running magnificently well and then told Evans to ask Trump himself about when and what he knew about Flynn.
You would have figure Gorka would have a well vetted answer on that question, but it's hard to codify some lies, apparently.
The entire interview is fraught with idiocy from Gorka.
Allegra Kirkland writes:
An increasingly frustrated Davies asked Gorka if it is always “everybody else’s fault and never your own.”
“No, not at all, but there is an agenda-driven distortion,” he said. “This is a media, a mainstream media that has accused us in the White House of being anti-Semitic and white supremacist. This is how bad it is. This is a White House where Jared Kushner, an Orthodox Jew, is key to the decision-making process and you have the audacity as the mainstream media to talk about anti-Semitism.”
Gorka pointed to the criticism the White House received for releasing a Holocaust Remembrance Day statement that broke with tradition by neglecting to explicitly mention Jews as victims. While both conservative and liberal Jewish groups took issue with that omission, Gorka previously characterized such criticism as “asinine.”
He refuses to comment on anything other than to call Trump awesome and refute all stories he doesn't like as fake news.
This is what we'll get for the next four years.