Sen. Tom Cotton Loses Debate With 7-Year Old Over The Wall At Town Hall

Tom Cotton's town hall was amazing, and it ended on an incredible note.

Tom Cotton's town hall was a raucous, amazing display of democracy from beginning to end, but the end was definitely the best.

7-year old Toby had the microphone.

"Donald Trump thinks the wall is more important than kids' games and stuff," Toby began. "Donald Trump makes Mexicans not important to people who are in Arkansas who like Mexicans, like me."

He continued, "And he's deleting all the parts in PBS Kids just to make a wall. He shouldn't do all that stuff."

Cotton's answer was terrible. After tossing the stock "we are a melting pot and we're all one people" answer, he told this 7-year old child that "we need to help Mexico be better partners."

"We want to help them deal with their problems with drug cartels and crime and help them grow their economy," he blathered, to a 7-year old child who wants PBS Kids and not a wall.

"We also have to protect our own citizens from that, and that's where the wall comes in," Cotton went on.

It was absurd, and the room was not impressed. You can hear Toby chanting "PBS! PBS!"

Finally, Cotton said, "Toby, you can still have one and have the other."

So does that mean they're not going to defund PBS for the wall? Because that's what Cotton seemed to tell little Toby.

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