Thousands Protest In Milwaukee Over Immigration, Sheriff Clarke

People have taken to the streets to protest Sheriff David Clarke in what they're calling a Day Without Latinos.

Big protests are taking place around the country today to demonstrate what life would be like in this country without Latinos, but perhaps the largest demonstration is in Milwaukee, home of nasty, bigoted, evil Sheriff David Clarke.

In a show of strength, thousands have taken to the streets.

They're aiming at Clarke because he supports a discredited immigration enforcement program which allows for the deputization of local police and sheriffs to carry out immigration raids.

The last estimate I saw for Milwaukee was 80,000, but the pictures indicate that may be a low number.

There are plenty of trolls, bigots and white supremacists pushing back on social media about this, but the people in the streets make a far bigger statement than they do.

Welcome to our world, Mr. Trump.

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