Tom Price Confirmed As HHS Secretary Despite Unresolved Ethics Issues
Tom Price's ethical issues are legion, but Republicans confirmed him anyway.
In the dead of night, Republicans confirmed Tom Price as Secretary of Health and Human Services. It's appropriate that they confirmed Price under the cover of darkness, when most news organizations were asleep or on repeat loops for the night, because this confirmation is one of the most truly shameful of any of them.
Tom Price wants to gut Medicare, Medicaid, and the ACA. He doesn't believe that health care is a right. Instead, he believes health care is a profit center for greedy people.
Nevertheless, Rep. Tom Price, inside trader and profiteer on various private health care stock offerings, is our new Secretary of Health and Human Services, because Republicans do not care about ethics, but they are aching to gut Medicare, Medicaid and the ACA.
The vote was 52-47. No Democrats voted for him. Many Congressmen are discovering how much their constituents do not want him to gut the social safety net.
Hang on for the ride. Next up: Steven Mnuchin.