Trump Administration Tries To Steal Credit For Obama's Jobs Increase
As per usual, they're unashamed to steal other people's work when it benefits them.
During today's press briefing, Sean Spicer claimed that the rise in job creation was due to confidence in Trump, even if he only served 11 days in January by claiming, "Today's report reflects the consumer confidence that the Trump presidency has inspired."
The new jobs report said there were 227K new jobs created and the Trump administration wants to own those numbers.
However, throughout the campaign season, Trump, Republicans and every right wing pundit claimed that the good unemployment numbers were a scam to make Obama look good.
On Dec., 2nd, I tweeted these figures to show the stark difference between the disaster President Obama inherited and the comparably good job numbers Trump would inherit.
But Trump kept claiming the job numbers were total fiction.
On Dec., 8th in a Des Moines rally, Trump said, "The unemployment number, as you know, is totally fiction. If you look for a job for six months and then you give up, they consider you give up. You just give up. You go home. You say, ‘Darling, I can’t get a job.’ They consider you statistically employed. It’s not the way. But don’t worry about it because it’s going to take care of itself pretty quickly.
On December 12th, I wrote: I Can't Wait To Hear Donald Trump Discuss 'HIS' Unemployment Numbers
Donald Trump said this about the "real" unemployment rate back in February 8th, "I am going to be the greats jobs president that God ever created. Don't believe those phony numbers. When you hear 4.9 and 5% unemployment. The numbers probably 28, 29, as high as 35. In fact, I even heard recently, 42%."
As you know, that's a bald-faced lie. Glenn Kessler of the Washington Post gave him Four Pinocchio's, for that ridiculous claim.
This morning CNN's Chief Business Correspondent Christine Romans called out the Trump administration for "accepting" the "jobs report" today as they are after months of calling them a “hoax, phony, fake, and a fraud.”
Romans said, "So it seems he's accepting these numbers, at least as a baseline for now. There's no conspiracy in the numbers when they belong to him."
Ain't that the truth.
During the January 23rd press briefing, Spicer refused to explain what actual employment numbers the Trump administration would use.
The numbers they like today come from the Bureau Of Labor Statistics.
This afternoon, Spicer was not so wishy-washy on the numbers he was using, since he could spin them to his benefit.
Spicer said, "Let's turn to the jobs report, the economy added more than 227,000 new jobs, significantly more than the 175,000 that had been expected."
He continued, "Today's report reflects the consumer confidence that the Trump presidency has inspired. According to a recent Gallop poll, economic confidence is at a new high and ADP showed strong private sector hiring."
Here's where the high comedy comes into play.
Spicer said, "The markets knew Trump would deliver on the promise, the president's already taken significant steps to turn our economy around and he's looking forward to ensuring that every American who wants a job has the opportunity to find one. The president's definitely pleased that the job growth far surpassed expectations and that the labor force participation is rising he also recognizes that there's a lot more work to be done."
If the economy is growing and jobs are plentiful, what exactly does Spicer want to turn around?