Fox Panelist Blames 'Latte Sipping' Press On Nunes Coverage

Conservatives are flailing from all sides trying to defend Chairman Nunes' deranged antics.

After playing a few clips of reporters questioning Rep. Nunes' credibility, Christian Broadcast Network's David Brody blamed "latte-sipping" journalists for attacking Chairman Nunes over his highly questionable actions last week.

Brian Kilmeade claimed that Nunes directly going to Trump instead of briefing the House Intl Committee "was pretty clear and many thought was admirable."

Who has said that outside of Trump surrogates? The Trump White House totally admires how the chairman of the House Intelligence Committee runs to them on a regular basis, you bet.

Kilmeade then feigned ignorance of Nunes conflict of interest. "Why are they going after the credibility of Nunes?"

Maybe because he's supposed to be independent of the subject of his investigation and is obviously not. But wait....

CBN's David Brody replied, "There are a lot of different reasons. First of all, there is like a latte sipping environment in the media.."

See, it's because the media, like John Kerry, loves drinking lattes and wheat grass smoothies, so they can't be trusted!

Brody continued, "...if you notice the 'New York Times' and many of those mainstream media outlets all talking about that buzz word "credibility." It seems like they are in cahoots with one another when it comes to the narrative. That's a big part of it."

It's a George Soros conspiracy! Who knew?

And then Brody tried to paint every previous Chairman of the House Intelligence Committee as partisan hacks, just like Rep. Nunes.

"Do you really think the House Intelligence Committee is supposed to be impartial. give me a break. This has not been the case for a long time. It's not sort of any island of impartiality in a very deep sea world of partisanship," Brody said.

Kilmeade then gives a basic run down of what Nunes did , leaving out most of the story. No mention that Rep. Nunes was on Trump's transition team. No mention that Chairman Nunes has acted like a presidential tool since this investigation began.

You know Brody and Kilmeade discussed this segment before hand because they then pulled out a very odd attack card.

They played the usual game of, 'don't look at what Trump did, look at what others did' and they brought up former House Intelligence Chairman Silvestre Reyes, who was appointed to the spot in 2006.

(I doubt any Fox news viewer would even remember that name.)

The mistake Reyes made in 2006, when quizzed about the religions of Al Qaeda groups because he mistakenly said "Shiites."

This is supposed to be exactly the same as Rep. Nunes acting to protect and defend Trump with late night excursions and bogus press conferences, while conducting a serious investigation into a foreign power trying to influence our election process?

Brody was engaged and said, "it's interesting, Brian, when you bring that up."

Brody admits researching Reyes before he went on the air, (which proves my collusion theory,) and claimed media bias because it wasn't as big a news story as the media circus Rep. Nunes has turned into.

Imagine that?

Brody said, "I did research on that, the headlines were just not there. (Media bias alert!) yes, were there a smattering of headlines? Yes, but it wasn't above the fold in the NY Times about Reyes."

That proves it! That dang librul media is fixing the narrative!

This is how low conservative pundits are willing to sink to defend Chairman Nunes' deranged antics.

By the way, Rep. Reyes was so conservative as a Democrat that he lost his seat to progressive Beto O'Rourke in 2012.

O'Rourke is now running against Sen. Ted Cruz and is a Blue America candidate.

You can donate to his campaign here.

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