Nunes Was On White House Grounds Day Before Trump Visit

Chairman Nunes is on a sinking ship as it's revealed he was on the WH grounds a day before "running to the White House" and holding a press conference.

The day before Rep. Nunes "ran to the White House with intel" and held a bizarre and unexpected press conference claiming he had seen evidence of "incidental collection" from the intelligence communities of Trump people, he actually was on the White House grounds viewing classified information in a secure location.

Much has been made of his Tuesday night excursion, when he suddenly disappeared from his Uber after a phone call. CNN and Jake Tapper have confirmed that Chairman Nunes went White House grounds to view classified intelligence.

The Daily Beast broke the story of Nunes' late night Tuesday romp and many wondered where Nunes could have viewed classified information since it has to be done in a secure environment.

Now that question has been answered - by raising a whole host of further questions. And Devin Nunes has maintained that the White House had no idea he was there. Wait, what? He visited the White House in such a secretive way that the White House didn't even know it? Someone inform the Secret Service because that 17-minute-intruder has nothing on Devin Nunes!

He again reiterated his claim that what he found had nothing to do with the Russia investigation his committee is "investigating."

If Chairman Nunes had been at the White House grounds "only" the day before he ran to Trump and held press conferences, why didn't he inform at least his own Republican members on the Intel Committee what he found out?

It must be because his own members would not have approved of his actions.

CNN reports that in "a statement, a spokesman for Nunes said he is 'extremely concerned by the possible improper unmasking of names of US citizens.'"

Worrying about the unmasking of names is important, but not to the level that warranted his actions over the last several days. It makes no sense at all, except of course if he was acting as a transitional team member and not as the Chairman of the Intelligence Committee.

Chairman Nunes made it clear to Fox News' Sean Hannity that his first and only priority is to Donald Trump because the press was being mean to him. He said, "I had a duty and obligation to tell him, because as you know, he's been taking a lot of heat in the news media and to some degree there are things he should look at."

When has it ever been his job to act as Trump's PR and Communications director, directly responsible for dealing with the media?

The fact that Nunes admitted to being at the White House proves he's not only incompetent to be leading an investigation, he's beyond morally compromised and highly likely a part of the collusion he is supposed to be investigating.

He must go.

It looks like Rep. Nunes met with his source there. I wonder who that could possibly have been? Trump, perhaps? Steve Bannon?

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