Chris Cuomo To Rep. King: 'You're Trying To White Cleanse The Population'

Chris Cuomo can't believe Steve King wants to "homogenize" the US population. C'mon Chris, we know what color most homogenized milk is!

CNN host Chris Cuomo objected to Rep. Steve King's white nationalistic pleas of having more babies being born in western Europe and America "to rebuild our civilization" away from the brown people with weird beliefs, "It sounds like you're trying to white cleanse our population."

Rep. Steve King from Iowa was always considered an extremist nut job even by Republican standards, but Trump has unfortunately normalized King in the eyes of his supporters.

Over the weekend our own Nicole Belle pointed out that Rep. King has embraced and promoted the thoughts of a right-wing neo-Nazi Dutch politician named Geert Wilders.

Rep. King joined CNN's New Day and for almost ten minutes engaged in a creepy debate about the merits of white nationalism, shrouded in an idiotic "culture war" battle that only he and his fellow neo-Nazis are fighting.

Chris Cuomo was flabbergasted.

I, like Cuomo am a second generation Italian-American. It was insulting to listen to this jackass describe an America that has never been or will ever be,

America is dynamic because it has embraced many different cultures.

Here's some of the transcript via CNN.

CHRIS CUOMO, CNN: You have your own comments to explain this morning. You tweeted support of Mr. Wilders who's running for Prime Minister in the Netherlands. You wrote Wilders understands that culture and demographics are our destiny. We cannot restore our civilization with somebody else's babies. This is being condemned by many regions of American politics and citizenry. What did you mean?

REP. STEVE KING (R), IOWA: Of course I meant exactly what I said as is always the case, Chris. To expand on that a little further, I've been to Europe and spoken on this issue and I've said the same thing as far as ten years ago to the German people and any population of people that is a declining population that isn't willing to have enough babies to reproduce themselves.

I've said to them you can't rebuild your civilization with somebody else's babies. You've got to keep your birth rate up and you need to teach your children your values. In doing so, you can grow your population and strengthen your culture, strengthen your way of life. That's not happening in any of the Western European countries. France comes the closest to having a birth rate that's a replacement rate. It's a clear message we need to get our birth rates up, or Europe will be entirely transformed within a half century or more. And Geert Wilders knows that. That's part of his campaign and part of his agenda.

CUOMO: If you want to apply that kind of thinking to America, it seems like a complete contradiction of what we're all about. This is the melting pot. We are known by those countries as the bastion of diversity. It's an unqualified strength for us. It sounds like you're trying to white cleanse our population and saying somebody else's babies. I think that means me, Congressman. I'm only the second generation in this country. Who is "somebody else's babies"?

KING: Chris, we're a country here, that if you take a picture of what America looks like, you can do It in a football stadium or a basketball court and you see all different kinds of Americans there. We're pretty proud of that, the different looking Americans that are still Americans.

There's an American culture, American civilization. It's raised these children in these American homes. That's one of the reasons why we require that the President of the United States be raised with an American experience. We've also aborted nearly 60 million babies in this country since 1973.

There's been this effort we're going to have to replace that void with somebody else's babies. That's the push to bring in much illegal immigration into America, living in enclaves, refusing to assimilate into the American culture and civilization. Some embrace it, yes. Many are two and three generations living in enclaves that are pushing back in resistance against assimilation. It's far worse in Europe than it is today here in the United States, but I want us to be looking at that, promoting the birth rate in America, restoring the rule of law, putting an end to illegal immigration and recognizing we need to be a country that's pulled together on similar values. That makes us stronger.

CUOMO: That's the exact point. It seemed like you were doing the opposite, like you were trying to say someone else's babies means you're either white or you're not right. As you know, that is anathema to what America is all about. Can we get agreement on that?

KING: Well, actually, if you go down the road a few generations or maybe centuries with the intermarriage, I'd like to see an America that so homogenous that we look a lot the same from that perspective. I think there's far too much focus on race, especially in the last eight years. I want to see that put behind us. And I want to see us bonded together. I gave a speech on this on Saturday and half the liberals got up and left the room when I talked about unity -- they're looking for hatred is the point, Chris.


CUOMO: Hold on a second. Congressman, if you suggest that somebody else's babies shouldn't be welcome in a country, you seem inherently divisive. That's why I seem to keep doubling down on it. You say America has different faces, that's fine. You keep making this point that this country needs to be about white people raising their birth rate and not bringing in other people. That's exactly what America is not.

Cuomo is right on here. What is most aggravating about King is he's making the same "white America" argument Teddy Roosevelt and others made in 1903 -- about Italians! (pdf link)

Roosevelt shared in this nostalgia [for an America for and by Anglo-Saxons] with sociologist Edward Ross, who is credited with coining the term “race suicide” in 1901. Ross also believed the American frontier family demonstrated the highest values of the
race. With the historic progression of the frontier, so Ross believed, a “natural” order
and control cultivated the Anglo-Saxon American race.... The greatest threat to the race, according to Ross, was less the low birth rate of Anglo-Saxon American women than the “more-fecund [immigrant] women of supposedly ‘inferior’ races” He pointed to the late nineteenth century rush of “new” immigrants from southern and eastern Europe, who modern science classified as racially distant from the Anglo-Saxon-Teutonic-Celtic mix that fostered the American race.

Nothing Steve King is saying about White supremacy is new -- the only thing new is who we consider as "white."

The abortion rate has nothing to do with what his argument, but he's got to give a shout out to the zealots that follow him.

Rep. King believes that the left is promoting illegal immigration to un-white the country?

No wonder he supports Trump.

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