Flynn Seeks Immunity In Exchange For Testimony Before Intel Committees, FBI (UPDATE 3)

General Flynn might come clean...if he's shielded from prosecution, at least.

The Wall Street Journal is reporting that Michael Flynn is looking for immunity in exchange for his testimony before Congressional intelligence communities and the FBI. (Article is behind their paywall)

Reporter Shane Harris of the Wall Street Journal told Greta Van Susteren what he knows.

"What we know right now is Michael Fynn through his attorney offered to both in the Russian interference as well as the FBI to be interviewed in exchange from immunity for possible prosecution," Harris explained.

"We don't know exactly what he offered to tell them, but of course as the former National Security Advisor to the president and given his own interactions with the Russian government, he very well may have information that's germane to that investigation," he continued.

Harris added, "But our sources are telling us that he was only willing to talk about it if he could be promised that nothing that he said would be used against him in a future legal action."

This is where I think back to when the committees were occupied with a bogus investigation into Hillary's emails and all the right-wingers were going crazy about Hillary's server administrator being granted immunity. Will Judge Napolitano rant about this the same way he did about that?

Stay tuned. We'll bring more as we have it.


Remember this?


Here's Trump, blasting Clinton's "Immunity Five". "They gave so much immunity, there was nobody left to talk to."


Apparently the FBI has not accepted any deals.

Also, Flynn's lawyer issued a statement justifying an immunity deal to protect him from "unfair prosecution."

Sure. No unfair prosecutions, General Flynn. Just fair ones.

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