Fox' Stuart Varney Lies About New Jobs Report, Calling It 'Trump's Rally'

The hysteria surrounding a good February jobs report by Trump and his Republican party is reflective of the world of "alternative facts" that they live in.

After a positive jobs report for February, Fox Business host Stuart Varney refused to credit the Obama administration for the constant rise in the job markets and the 4.7 unemployment rate when he proclaimed, "This is the Trump rally!"

Nothing surprises me these days when it comes to the Trump administration, their surrogates and reality. Varney is no exception.

Stewart was giddy this morning when he opened his show and celebrated Trump's first month in office.

He said, "February was the first full month of the Trump presidency. Look what happened to jobs. 28,000 moving, 235,000 in total. Hundreds of thousands of people came back into the labor force. The participation rate went up, it was, I'm calling it a solid jobs report."

Varney read off the list like a man who just got a new lease on life.

Stewart knows that since Trump hasn't initiated one piece of economic legislation, he had to address the elephant in the room: The good jobs reports is continuing on from the Obama administration.

Varney continued, "The left is going to surely claim that President Obama takes some credit for this or maybe Janet Yellen at the federal reserve. Wrong! I don't agree. i say to this new mood of expansion and optimism and confidence began with the election of Donald Trump."

I've talked to several money managers in Beverly Hills and what they've said was that the markets feel Trump won't screw things up, at least in the near future.

That's where this "confidence" comes from, but the jobs reports are all from the Obama administration.

Stewart continued reciting his fantasy and said, "He said he would take the shackles off private enterprise, that's what businesses are responding to, and so is the market. Make no mistake, this is the Trump Rally."

"Facts" are meaningless squiggly lines written down on pages for fools! The truth is what Trump says it is and if he believes Obama wiretapped him, then it must be true!

If he says Sweden was attacked, then they are the idiots that didn't even now an attack took place!

For years we've heard Conservative economists rail against Obama's economy and jobs reports, creating fictitious new standards to de-ligitamize the low unemployment rate that was in play during the election season.

Since Trump won, all these complaints are out the window now.

Press secretary Sean Spicer used the same statistics to allege the job markets were responding to the confidence they have in Trump by citing the same stats they said were phony!

President Obama dealt with the effects of the global financial collapse when the U.S. lost over 600,000K jobs the month before he took office. But he initiated several plans to combat the loss of millions of jobs, crashed stock market and the housing crisis.

I'm not telling you that everything Obama did was wonderful. It was not. They should have helped out homeowners like they did the financial institutions. And because of the crash, Corporations became more powerful because they had control over the workers when jobs started to come back.

But at least he tried to do something. Trump hasn't done one thing, but suddenly he's the confidence fairy and a jobs Svengali!

Media Matters writes:

These measured responses from expert journalists and professional economists were not echoed by Trump’s cohort of right-wing media devotees, who trumpeted the jobs report as a major victory for the administration.

Under a headline proclaiming that the American economy was “GREAT AGAIN!” Breitbart economic editor John Carney -- who was hired to shepherd the fringe website out of the alt-right fever swamp -- absurdly claimed that job creation last month was “jaw-dropping” and that the “jobs market is sizzling.” On Twitter, the right-wing Drudge Report also proclaimed the report showed America was “GREAT AGAIN.” On Fox Business’ Varney & Co., host Stuart Varney stated that we could be witnessing a “Trump expansion” after 77 months of job creation -- 76 of which predate Trump:

On Fox News’ Fox & Friends, the co-hosts joined Trump surrogate Newt Gingrich in lauding the report. Co-host Pete Hegseth stated that Trump is simply “winning everywhere” while Gingrich suggested that “you're seeing the beginnings, I emphasize ‘beginnings,’ of a potential Trump Economic Era”:

Update: This happened in Spicer's press conference today:

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