Michael Flynn, Turkish Foreign Agent, Shocks 'Morning Joe'

How crazy and dishonest is this?

I was at the doctor's most of yesterday, so I didn't have much of a chance to react to the revelation that Michael Flynn was on Turkey's payroll during the presidential campaign and afterwards as National Security advisor.

I'm flabbergasted.

During the presidential primaries and general election, the media focused more heavily on Hillary's server and emails, (even though she was cleared by the FBI) rather than the daily onslaught of lies and nonsense Trump and his surrogates spewed during each televised rally and cable news appearance every day.

As horrifying as it is to find out that Flynn was a paid foreign agent, it's not surprising that Trump's team had no idea of his activities. They have never shown any interest in doing the kind of work needed to be a legitimate administration. The only work they excel at is creating "alternative facts" as a defense of Trump's insanity.

During his presser, Sean Spicer admitted they had no idea about Flynn's deals and then told the media to talk to Gen. Flynn instead of the Trump administration.

That's disgraceful.

And Spicer claiming the questions he was being asked were hypotheticals was also despicable.

MSNBC's Mika Brezinski couldn't fathom it, and told Joe Scarborough that it appeared "impossible" for Trump, who spent days and nights together with Flynn, to not know what was going on.

Scarborough replied, "That man was a foreign agent of Turkey, who has been hostile towards U.S. interests for a good part of the Syrian civil war, and was getting paid at the same time he was delivering a speech trashing Hillary Clinton at the Republican National Convention...”

"Lock her up, " reminded Mika.

"...that he was an agent of a foreign country of Turkey, throughout the in-phases of the campaign, and even when Donald Trump got elected. It's shocking."

It's horrifying.

And remember, as soon as Flynn was dumped from the Trump administration, Donald claimed that Flynn was set up by traitors leaking to the press and was basically a great man.

Bill O'Reilly went nuts during a debate with Bob Woodward over how the leaks destroyed Gen. Flynn's job with Trump.

Scarborough asked for clarification over theses allegations.

John Heilemann said Trump acted like Flynn had been persecuted but he was 'literally acting as a foreign agent."

"They had no idea that he was acting as a foreign agent when he was appointed to be National Security Adviser. That is one of the most extraordinarily if it's true, they did not know, one of the most extraordinary failures of vetting I've ever heard of."

Yep. You can add 'Worse than Palin' to 'Worse than Nixon' in the Trump encyclopedia.

Mika replied, "They have made a joke of the entire transition process, and this presidency has no credibility where we stand right now.”

Willie Geist weighed in: "It's important to point out this is not something from his deep dark past. This lobbying was happening from August until November, right in the heat of the presidential campaign."

The idea that Flynn was paid over $500K dollars from Turkey while being a major player for Trump is so unconscionable it forced even Mark Halperin, for once, to make a sensible remark: "It's so staggering, I can't process it."

Oh no! Both-siderism system failure! The Halperin 9000 might start singing 'Daisy' any moment now....

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