Comey On Russia's Motive: Help Trump, Denigrate And Hurt Clinton
Everybody (except Trump supporters) knows Russia helped Trump and undermined the U.S. election process.
During this morning's hearing, FBI director James Comey told the House committee that Russia preferred Trump in the election and did everything they could to undermine Hillary Clinton's chances.
Rep. Conaway (D-Texas)(and yes, he is not related to Kellyanne Conway in any way) did a good job of making sure they got the FBI on record, telling us what the intelligence community already knew, but what Trump and his surrogates have soundly denied.
Rep. Conaway said, "I understand, in terms of laying out the three assessments, and whether or not the IC was consistent in its view of those three assessments across the entire campaign. Could we walk through the FBI's walk down that path."
He continued, "Did as of early December of '16, did the FBI assess that the active measures were to undermine by the Russians were to undermine the faith in the US . democratic process, had you come to that conclusion by early December?"
Comey replied, "I think that's right, December of last year."
Rep. Conaway: "Active measures conducted against Secretary Clinton to denigrate her, hurt her campaign and also undermine her presidency?"
Comey: "Correct."
Rep. Conaway: "And then the conclusion that active measures taken specifically to help president Trump's campaign, you had that by early December, you already had that conclusion?"
Comey: "Correct, they wanted to hurt our democracy, hurt her, help him, I think all three we were confident in at least as early as December.
Conaway and Comey then had a conversation about winning and losing games which makes an important point. Since Putin wanted Clinton to lose, he wanted Trump to win. There's no other way to look at it.