Acosta Blasts Spicer: 'They're Quoting The FBI Director, You're Citing Sean Hannity'

The Trump administration values Sean Hannity's opinion more than the FBI, the House and Senate Intelligence committees with his wiretapping allegations.

CNN's Jim Acosta blasted Sean Spicer and the Trump camp for refusing to acknowledge the fact that there is no evidence Obama wiretapped Trump Tower.

Every day that the Trump camp continues to promote the whacked out conspiracy that president Obama wiretapped Trump Tower is another day they are dredging the bottom of cesspool.

Sane people are using information provided by the intelligence agencies, including the House and Senate Intel committees, while Trump and his surrogates are using Sean Hannity and Mark Levin.

It's freaking nuts.

Sean Spicer is left to defend the indefensible by rewriting and redefining the words that Trump speaks almost everyday so when Trump alleges wiretapping on Monday, by Wednesday he actually meant all forms of surveillance.

ABC's Jonathan Karl opened up today's presser by asking," Are you saying that the president still stands by his allegation that president Obama ordered wiretapping or surveillance of Trump Tower despite the fact that the senate intelligence committee says they see no indication that it happened?"

Spicer replies, He stands by it, but you are mischaracterizing what happened today."

See, you're the idiot, not Trump for turning the Oval Office into the landing pad for every black helicopter theory out there.

Karl replied, "I'm reading exactly from their statement."

Spicer is still using a few media reports instead of the FBI and the Intelligence committees. All Trump had to do was ask the services that he runs what was up, but instead plays nonsensical three dimensional chess against his own intelligence agencies.

CNN's JIm Acosta came out flying and said, "You were just quoting Sean Hannity there. The House and Senate intelligence committees are quoting the FBI --"

Spicer ridiculously said "I get you're going to cherry pick..."

Acosta continued, "They're quoting the FBI director, you are citing Sean Hannity..."

Whoever thought Hannity would have a higher intelligence clearance level than the director of the FBI?

OK, I was being facetious there.

The two continued to battle since Spicer and Trump have came up with new alternative facts to redefine Trump's words.

Spicer: "The president said clearly when he referred to wiretapping, he was referring to surveillance."

Acosta: "This sounds Sean, like you're saying now, you and the president are saying now, 'well we don't mean wiretapping anymore because that's not true anymore,' so now we're talking about other forms of surveillance. What's it going to be next?"

Spicer: "Oh, Jim. I think that's cute that's cute but we've talked about this for three or four days."

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