Kayleigh McEnany: Maybe [Flynn] Didn't Understand How Immunity Worked'

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Kayleigh McEnany, CNN's paid Trump surrogate and truly remarkable liar graced the stage of CNN's New Day and made excuses for Gen. Michael Flynn's hypocrisy on immunity. Flynn is asking for immunity for himself this week, but during the presidential campaign called Hillary Clinton associates guilty for using immunity,.

"Maybe he didn't understand how immunity worked at that point."

Since the news broke that former NSA advisor to Trump, Gen. Flynn had asked for an immunity deal to testify before Congress, bloggers and news outlets have been playing video clips from the campaign when both Trump and Gen. Flynn attacked Clinton associates for taking immunity deals, calling them guilty of a crime.

Now Trump supporters have been defending Gen. Flynn's ask of immunity by saying he needs immunity because....


New Day also tackled the news of Trump's latest tweet, defending Flynn's actions and calling the investigations a "witch hunt."

After playing Trump video, Christine Quinn responded to Trump's past words and tweet and said, "...when I read the tweet. If he doesn't think Michael Flynn did anything, which you kind of by definition do if you are calling it a "witch hunt," - then you don't need immunity because by definition, immunity is kind of release from punishment for an obligation or having done something wrong."

Camerota brought up Flynn's past statements as well and said, "Michael Flynn also said about Clinton associates, 'if you have to ask for immunity chances are you did something wrong and you're guilty,' now he's in this boat."

Kayleigh replied, "Maybe he didn't understand how immunity worked at that point."

Quinn sighed in frustration at that idiocy. McEnany then tried to use the smoke screen of the Logan Act and said Flynn might be the first to be prosecuted under it in the last 200 years because of the partisan Democrats. "Everyone wants a scalp. Everyone wants to see the Trump administration fail."

Nothing is ever the Trump administration's fault and when all their past indiscretions come back to bite them, they should be forgiven "for they know not what they do!"

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