Nunes Pretends Everything's Fine But Cancels All House Intel Meetings For The Week
After creating a firestorm of doubt and amid calls from both parties to recuse himself from investigation Trump/Russia ties, Rep. Nunes is either defiant or stupid.
Is Devin Nunes stubborn, or stupid?
That's the question Paul Ryan must ask as Chairman Nunes once again speaks to the media as if nothing is wrong. His erratic and highly suspect behavior over the last week has even his own colleagues shaking their heads.
Reporters caught up with him this morning and he acted as if he hasn't taken any inappropriate actions and every thing is right as rain in the committee he runs, even though he's lost the confidence of many politicians on both sides of the aisle.
Reporters asked "they're calling for you to recuse yourself, saying that you have a conflict of interest."
Rep. Nunes smugly replied, "Well, what would that be? Help me understand."
The Chairman knows very well why he's being asked to recuse himself from this investigation. Even without all his shenanigans, he should have already done so since he was a member of Trump's transition team. Any credible person would.
CNN's Manu Raju played along: "Their criticism is that you're too close to the White House, you shouldn't have briefed the president last week, and you can't credibly run the investigation. that's what they're saying."
"So, what's your response?"
Nunes dismissed those claims without directly answering the question, "You guys know the truth to that. You were told -- you guys know exactly what was said."
Another reporter said, "We're asking you, if you feel you have a conflict of interest."
Instead of answering her question, he said, "I briefed all of you last week many times, so all you guys know everything that's going on in this investigation, so I would say talk to them and ask them --"
I guess he means the Democrats on the House Intelligence Committee, but Senator John McCain has also called for answers from Nunes. And Nunes has NOT given everything he learned at his night time White House-sneak off to the committee.
Raju continued, "But are you going to stay as chairman and run this investigation?
Rep. Nunes replied, "Well, why would I not? You guys need to go ask them why these things are being said."
No, it's your actions that have caused the outrage, Devin. And why you are now talking to reporters again? Your work is classified, dude.
Raju asked, "Can this investigation continue with you as chairman?"
Rep. Nunes replied, "Why would it not? Aren't I briefing you continuously and keeping you up to speed?"
That. Is. Not. Your. Job. Neither is running to the White House or sneaking to the White House or freaking out in an Uber over something on your phone.
Manu asked, "But they're saying it cannot run with you as chairman."
Nunes stuck to his message: "You've got to go talk to them. That sounds like their problem. I don't have -- my colleagues are perfectly fine. I mean, they know we're doing an investigation and that will continue."
Except it's NOT continuing. Nunes cancelled all meetings of the committee this week! And the purpose is clearly to stop Sally Yates from testifying about Michael Flynn.
Adam Schiff, the ranking Democrat on the committee, has more patience than he actually should.
What's to stop Nunes from blabbing to the White House every single time a witness gives testimony?
Nunes has proven to everyone that he simply can't do the job of investigating the Trump White House. That's it. Paul Ryan must pull him from the committee today.