Paul Ryan Is Living His Misogynist Ayn Randian Dream

He could hardly contain his glee at the prospect of tossing millions off their health insurance.

Ladies and gentlemen, Paul Ryan is living his dream. He's on the top of his game, and proud of it! Just watch him in the video above, celebrating the prospect of stripping poor women of health care and depriving millions of health insurance.

It's Nirvana, I tell you! Oh, did I mention that he indulged his little verbal orgasm on International Women's Day? Yeah, that happened too.

Raw Story:

“This is what we’ve been dreaming about doing,” the House Speaker told reporters. It’s a “conservative wish list,” the speaker said. Ryan then ticked off parts of the legislation that should thrill conservatives, before concluding that it gets “Washington out of the business of being a nanny state.”

Unsurprisingly, Ryan’s pledge to stop nannying the American people stopped short of women’s health care choices.

“It ends funding to Planned Parenthood and sends money to community centers,” Ryan boasted. What the bill actually does is stop federal Medicaid reimbursements to Planned Parenthood—that means stripping the organization of millions in federal funds. As Vox pointed out, that would hit poor women the hardest but impact anyone that relies on Planned Parenthood’s services if clinics are forced to close as a result.

This is Paul Ryan's version of grabbing women by the p*ssy. On International Women's Day.

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