Sean Spicer: 'No Question' Something Happened Over Trump's Wiretapping Claims
Without any proof, Spicer alleges something rotten happened in Trump Tower.
Trump and his administration are desperately trying to change the Beltway narrative over their many early pitfalls, so the White House press secretary just told a gaggle of reporters that "there's no question something happened" regarding wiretap claims that the president made over the weekend."
CNN's Dana Bash was hosting a segment on Trump and his frustration with his senior staff, including Reince Priebus, because Jeff Sessions was forced to recuse himself with anything related to the Russians, when Bash cut in with some news about Spicer.
"[Spicer] like the president, didn't offer any proof, doubling down, tripling down," Bash said.
She then asked Borger, "Does that surprise you?"
Borger replied, "No, look. I think if you are in the White House now you are continually running around trying to justify what it is the president has tweeted."
"Justifying anything Trump tweets" is now part of the new job description of all White House advisors and spokespeople.
Borger continued, "For example, earlier Sean Spicer called for a Congressional investigation into this, but we've heard what Comey has asked the Justice Department to do. The FBI director has said 'look, there wasn't any [wiretapping]."
"DOJ, please tell everyone," she said.
Borger continued, "President Obama never did that. He never got the approval to do that and so i think you have a White House staff just eternally trying to justify whatever it is that president Trump tweets about."
This is another embarrassing display of Trump trying to change the media narrative by alleging windmills are attacking him at Trump Tower.
Digby wrote in Salon today about Trump's latest 'alternative facts' gambit and reminded us of what Republicans did with Benghazi.