Sean Spicer Denies WaPo Story On Sally Yates
Press secretary says no one in the White House wanted to block Sally Yates from testifying? Why was her hearing cancelled then?
WH press secretary Sean Spicer was clearly told to come right out there and refute the Washington Post's report that the White House sought to block former acting Attorney General Sally Yates from testifying to the House Intelligence Committee.
Saying about WaPo, "I hate to give them the traffic," Spicer added, "The White House did not respond and took no action that prevented Miss Yates from testifying. That's the story, that's what the documents show," he said.
(Chairman Nunes gave credence to the WaPo report by abruptly cancelling her scheduled appearance to testify.)
Spicer went to far to say, "I hope she testifies. I look forward to it."
So do we, Sean. Maybe Trump could send a tweet to that effect, and direct it to @DevinNunes.
Yeah, we're pretty sure he's not gonna do that.
And at this point, who are you going to believe, Sean Spicer? Devin Nunes?
Donald J. Trump?