Shep Smith: Chairman Nunes Is A 'Weapon Of Mass Distraction'

Chris Wallace ponders if Chairman Nunes' actions rise to the level of collusion in the last ten days with the White House while Shep Smith gives him a new name.

Fox News Sunday's Chris Wallace joined Shepard Smith to discuss the recent revelations that have pegged the White House as leaking intelligence to Rep. Nunes.

Chris Wallace pointed out that Sean Spicer was doing everything he could during his press conferences "to avoid at this point - the collaboration, and one could argue even the collusion between Devin Nunes, the chairman of the House Intelligence committee, a separate and independent body that is supposed to be investigating all this, and the White House."

It's not lost on Wallace that Chairman Nunes' bizarre actions have cast a cloud of shame over the House Intel committee and specifically on him.

The Fox News Sunday host laid out the actions and arguments that give his case credence, including Nunes' cancellation of Sally Yates' testimony. It gave the White House cover to not use their executive privilege from stopping her testimony.

Wallace continued, "This whole question of the relationship between Nunes, the man who is supposed to be leading an independent investigation of Donald Trump and the WH and its relations with Russia, his relationship and apparent cooperation with the Trump White House is really quite interesting."

Shepard Smith astutely observed, "To put a point on it, on that day when the FBI had the hearing with Director Comey, Nunes said 'You've cast a black cloud over this White House with this investigation.' There's a black cloud that will be there until it's resolved. you need to get it resolved."

"The very next day came this sort of weapon of mass distraction, this -- under cloak of darkness meeting on the White House campus, where no one in the West Wing knows who it was and now the semantics games are being played. These are not actions about people being transparent about their dealings," Smith said.

Weapons of Mass Distraction is an apt name for Chairman Nunes.

None of his actions have made any sense at all if Nunes was an above-board player leading any sort of a credible investigation, but they are the actions of a man who is deeply involved in a cover-up or committing some sort of crime.

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