Ryan On GOP/Trumpcare: White House Helped Write It
More on the Republican Civil War over who is responsible for this failure of a bill.
Speaker Ryan told Trump supporter and AM talk show host Laura Ingraham that Trump's top people at the White House helped write the House bill.
CNN captured some audio and played it.
Ryan: We wrote this bill with our friends in the White House and the Senate.
Ingraham: Which friends in the White House? Which friends?
Ryan: Meaning the Trump people.
Ingraham: But which ones.
Ryan: The Trump White House.
Ingraham: Bannon?
Ryan: Mick Mulvaney, Tom Price, all those guys, the health care people. The point I'm saying -- by the way I talked to Reince and Bannon on this a number of times. We are all on the same page, I mean absolutely, with the president. The president is bringing members of our caucus down there saying we need you to support this, they're making calls to our members saying this is the right way to go. This is what we wanna do.
Ingraham: He doesn't want it to be called Trumpcare though they want it to be called Ryancare.
Ryan: We call it the American Health Care Act.
Many conservatives like Breitbart, have been trying to tie the House health "care" bill tightly around Speaker Ryan's neck so they can give cover to Trump, and defend him against any criticisms over this fakakta proposal.
But Speaker Ryan clearly explained to Ingraham that that was not the case.
And Trump has been threatening to primary any member that does not back this proposal. Good luck with that. Nothing will bring out Democratic voters like a direct threat to ACA and Medicare.