Texas Senate Considers Bill Allowing Doctors To Lie About Fetal Disabilities

These lawmakers really do just stay awake at night figuring out ways to screw up women's lives.

When I first saw this, I did a double-take, because even for Texas, this is really stupidly evil. Are there practicing physicians who would lie to women about the condition of their unborn child in order to force them to carry to term?

I thought all of those doctors were probably Republicans in the United States Congress by now, but apparently there must be some left.

According to DallasVoice.com, SB 25 passed out of a Texas Senate Committee on a unanimous vote. SB 25 allows doctors to lie to their patients about the condition of the fetus in order to induce women to carry the child to term rather than considering an abortion. If the doctor lies, the parents cannot sue the doctor for misleading them about the condition of their child at birth.

Can you imagine being that parent, eagerly awaiting the birth of your child, being lied to at every step of the way by your doctor, and delivering a baby with severe, life-threatening disabilities? Disabilities the doctor knew about at a very early stage and lied about throughout the prenatal period?

I can't imagine being that doctor or that parent, and this is an example of really big, overreaching government that needs to get the hell out of the doctor-patient relationship and step back. Now.

According to the report, Sen. Brandon Creighton said current law sends the message that 'wrongful births' are real and discriminates against children born with disabilities.

“The presence of a disability in a child should not be grounds for a lawsuit,” Creighton said. “I feel that Senate Bill 25, if passed, would be in line with a large majority of Texans and their values.”

This is where I remind you that the very same Texas legislature cut Medicaid funding for disabled children.


...No abortions
...Less prenatal care
...Doctors can lie to expectant mothers about fetal disabilities
...When the child is born expect no assistance from Medicaid for that disabled child

Pro-life, right?

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