Sean Spicer Tries Gaslighting The White House Press Again

It goes about as well as you would expect....

By now you know that 'gaslighting' is a technique used to abuse and manipulate another person, usually a woman in an intimate relationship. The abuser uses threats, bullying, and the blatant re-writing of history to make the other person doubt their own hearing, understanding, memory, and in some cases, sanity.

Sean Spicer at the March 23 presser said that the White House leaking information to Nunes "didn't pass the smell test." Well guess what, it stinks to high heaven. The intel Nunes brought to the White House, came from the White House.

Major Garrett read a direct quote from Spicer during the March 23 presser. That's seven days ago. A direct quote. As in This. IS. What. YOU. Said.

Spicer turned it around and blamed the media. He was quoting you, dude.

"I've commented on this yesterday and today. Your obsession with who talked to whom and when, is not the answer here, it should be the substance. The same way that when you guys post a story with eighteen anonymous sources, your obsession is the substance. It seems now, you continue to look at it through a backwards prism, which is who is it, who drove through what gate, who did they meet with, what were they wearing that day, as opposed to 'what was the underlying substance of this, did something happen, in the 2016 election, did leaks occur? We are not going to engage in actively, in that kind of leaking....."


Blame the reporters, change the focus, throw a bunch of word salad out there.

Nunes met AT the White House with people who work for YOUR boss, Spicey. They gave him top-secret intel that he could ONLY look at AT the White House. He then returned to the White House the next day and we already know that part because the stupid-head held a press conference in the White House driveway for godssakes. THAT's not a leak.

We are going to find out what the Russians had on your boss. How much money he owed them, what the business dealings were, how and when Flynn and Manafort (we don't give a rat's butt what they were wearing) talked to the Russians about leaks and sanctions and whether there was a quid pro quo on those two things. (Knowing what we DO KNOW about Putin, our guess is yes.)

The only question we have now is, are you really going to continue to fight this way on Trump's hill? Because if you don't come down, you have only yourself to blame for the fallout.

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