White House On Jeff Sessions: 'There's Nothing To Recuse Himself'

Trump's press secretary Sean Spicer told Fox News that Sessions was "100 percent straight with the committee."

Sean Spicer was interviewed by Fox and Friends, which will air tomorrow and he responded to the Washington Post story, which reports that Jeff Sessions lied under oath during his confirmation hearing and said, "He was 100 percent straight with the committee."

John Roberts played a snippet of the upcoming interview on Fox News' "Happening Now," earlier today as he was recapping the Sessions story.

Spicer said, "There's nothing to recuse himself, he was 100 percent straight with the committee, and I think that people who are choosing to play partisan politics with this should be ashamed of themselves."

For shame, ye, partisan politicos. In accordance with our Lord Trump, a lie must be spoken thrice, in a mirror - for God to impugn him!

Remember, Peter denied Jesus three times and that is the benchmark this White House adheres to.

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