You'll Never Guess Who Funded Milo's College Tour
Or maybe you will. But now we know, without guessing.
The man behind Breitbart, Donald Trump, and Bannon's hit book on Hillary Clinton has another bullet point to add to his resume. It turns out that Robert Mercer, reclusive hedge fund billionaire, also funded Milo Yiannopoulis' college bus tour, designed to dump on trans people and generally behave in a hateful way.
Muckrock reports:
So who funds this endeavor? Who pays for a team of young men to travel the country in a tour bus? The answer resides in the organization behind the tour. Glittering Steel, LLC is a small production company located at the same address in Beverly Hills as Breitbart News and a number of other companies owned and supported by Trump-supporting Hedge funder Robert Mercer.
Glittering Steel reportedly made a few small campaign ads for the Trump and Cruz campaigns and has received $950,090 from the super PAC “Make America Number 1,” according to FEC filings compiled by reporter Grant Stern. “Make America Number 1,” which employed both Steve Bannon and Kellyanne Conway at various points during the election cycle, received $15 million of Robert Mercer’s disclosed $22 million made in donations during the 2015-2016 primaries and election. Mercer also invested $10 million in Breitbart News, Yiannopoulos’s former employer.
Beware, college students. Right wing billionaires would like to capture your minds and hearts and turn you into right-wing nutjobs like they are. Suggest extreme caution.
I highly recommend reading Jane Mayer's excellent report about the Mercers and their full, complete backing of Donald Trump. You will definitely be more informed afterwards.