Krauthammer Gleefully Imagines Possible Preemptive Nuclear Strike On North Korea

Mix nukes with a healthy dose of Fox News war hunger, and it gets ugly fast.

There was a lot of nervous chatter today in the Beltway after it was reported that the White House is hosting all one hundred Senators for a private briefing.

Some thought Trump was using this as a photo-op for his first 100 days benchmark since he's come up so short, but others were particularly nervous because of the administration's hard line stance on North Korea.

During the final round table of Fox News' all star panel on Special Report with Bret Baier, Charles Krauthammer believes that if North Korea gets the capability to launch a nuclear weapon, Trump with preemptively strike North Korea with our own nukes.

Charles Krauthammer sent this chilling message close to the end of the program..

Charles said, "I think this is a full-court press, we do have a plan. I think it's a mistake to say we're going into this blind."

Krauthammer responded to Sec. Kelly's remarks to CNN when he said that when North Korea is capable of putting nukes on missiles, "the instant that happens, this country is at grave risk."

Charles continued, " What General Kelly just said, what we saw was a declaration that we're through kicking the can down the road."

"If they acquire an ICBM ballistic missile that can hit the U.S. with a warhead on top of it, this is a new world and we're not going to allow it, that's an amazing statement..." he continued.

He said this is all aimed at China, but the "fuse is lit."

Baier said we could shoot down their missiles and Mara Laisson asked, "What is it that the U.S. is going to do?" "If we make a preemptive strike?"

Krauthammer replied that if we come to the final point, "where they have a nuke on top of an ICBM, yes, a preemptive strike."

Krauthammer was one of the first conservative pundits on Fox News to doubt Trump had the mental capability to be trusted to handle our nuclear codes, when he told the now defunct Bill O'Reilly:

Krauthammer: "Well, it's different, you have to ask yourself, do I want a person of that temperament, control of the nuclear codes. And as of now I have to say no."

But it appears he's changed his tune.

He continued, " We can't live in a world where Kim Jung Un can push a button and obliterate Seattle. That's what you just heard General Kelly say."

He's hoping they'll eventually have China put a freeze on their nuclear capabilities, but OMFG!

In less than one hundred days the neocons have pricked up their ears and are already trying to normalize the idea that a nuclear preemptive strike on North Korea is both reasonable and warranted.

May they all rot in hell.

(h/t digby)

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