Is The End Near For O'Reilly?

It couldn't happen to a nicer guy.

The top story on Matt Drudge's dystopian conservative website signals the end is near for falafel Bill.

Earlier today Gabriel Sherman wrote that there is much debate within the Murdoch family on Bill O's fate: "Sources: The Murdochs Are Turning Against Bill O’Reilly"

With only six days remaining in Bill O’Reilly’s vacation, the pressure on the Murdoch family to decide the embattled commentator’s fate is intensifying. Three sources with knowledge of the discussions said that, while no final decision has been made, the Murdochs are leaning toward announcing that O’Reilly will not return to the air. Sons James and Lachlan have been arguing that O’Reilly needs to go, say these sources, though their father, Rupert, has resisted that outcome.

O'Reilly has been on an impromptu sabbatical after sex harassment cases began lining the pages of the NY Times and advertisers began dropping their ads off The Factor.
Sherman is an terrific reporter and a Murdoch expert so his story has legs.

However, what makes this even more compelling is Matt Drudge sent a strange tweet a little while ago that methinks is a portent of a future that will come to pass.

Lindsey Ellefson calls it a "premature obituary" for the King of Fox News, but I think the fact that Drudge headlined his website with news of another harassment story at the hands of Bill is more of an indication that his time is over.

Drudge linked a new story by the Hollywood Reporter: "New Bill O'Reilly Accuser Says He Called Her "Hot Chocolate" and Leered"

Bill O'Reilly used to leer at an African-American Fox News clerical worker and called her "hot chocolate," according to attorney Lisa Bloom, who helped the woman report the harassment to the network's hotline.

"He would never talk to her, not even hello, except to grunt at her like a wild boar," Bloom tells The Hollywood Reporter. "He would leer at her. He would always do this when no one else was around and she was scared."

Bloom says she spoke with three witnesses who knew the woman at the time and confirmed she was upset and stressed at the end of each workday. "She’s not asking for any money," says Bloom. "She just wants them to know her story."

Drudge would never use a true story to discredit a conservative unless he has his reasons to do it.

Bill O'Reilly's attorney's have responded to the THR story with a short statement

"It is outrageous that an allegation from an anonymous person about something that purportedly happened almost a decade ago is being treated as fact, especially where there is obviously an orchestrated campaign by activists and lawyers to destroy Mr. O'Reilly and enrich themselves through publicity driven donations."

Apparently, Matt Drudge is out to enrich himself behind Bill O'Reilly's problems.

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