Horrific Gas Attack In Syria Leaves Scores Dead; Trump Blames Obama
This is so awful it's hard to know what to say, but Trump found exactly the wrong thing.
On Tuesday, Syrian President Bashar Al-Assad gassed his own people with what appears to be sarin gas. As CBS News noted, this attack came right after Rex Tillerson gave a surreptitious nod to Assad to do whatever he wanted without reprisal.
For his part, Assad denies that he would ever gas his own people. Never, never would he do that.
Even by the horrors of the Syrian civil war, what happened Tuesday will stand out as a crime against humanity. More than 50 civilians, including women and children, were killed and about 300 others wounded by what appears to be nerve gas -- a weapon banned by the civilized world.
The attack came five days after the Trump administration signaled that the Syrian dictator would not be held accountable for the slaughter of his people.
The Trump administration said Bashar al-Assad could remain in power -- a reversal of Obama-era policy that said Assad had to go.
The attack sparked a response from Trump, blaming President Obama. On a call with reporters, Sean Spicer said, "These heinous actions by the Bashar al-Assad regime are a consequence of the past administration’s weakness and irresolution.”
How obscene. How utterly obscene. Children are gasping for air in Syria and Sean Spicer turns it into an attack on the former president.
Just for the record, shall we recall something? President Obama went to Congress and asked Congress to authorize force in Syria. They declined to debate or vote on it.
The blame belongs to Assad first, and Trump-Tillerson second, for giving him tacit approval to do it.
But I have questions. Big questions. Syria supposedly destroyed their chemical weapons and had that destruction verified by the United Nations. So how did they obtain sarin to gas their own people with? Who sold it to them? Who delivered it to them?
And why did we give them tacit permission to use it?
Mourn for the people, the children living in a hellscape under the hard thumb of a failed dictator.
But don't let up on the questions. Assad needs to pay for this, as do his sarin suppliers.
As for Trump and his incompetent sycophants propping him up, fck them for their horrible, heartless, ridiculous response.