Maxine Waters: 'It Was A Sexual Harassment Enterprise At Fox News'

Rep. Maxine Waters gets the last word on Bill O'Reilly and then trashes Fox News. Maxine Waters: 'It Was A Sexual Harassment Enterprise At Fox News'

Rep. Maxine Waters told CNN last night that history will not look kindly on Bill O'Reilly and that Fox News was a 'sexual harassment enterprise.'

Host Anderson Cooper asked if she agreed with Fox News' decision of firing Bill O'Reilly.

Rep. Waters said, "I'm pleased with the advertisers who decided that they were going to pull their ads from his show. I'm so pleased with the women who came forward, who were victims and decided that they were going to expose what had happened to them.You know, Bill O'Reilly is not going to be recorded favorably in history. Unfortunately, he was a man who made tremendous sums of money, had a huge show, and really there's something wrong with him psychologically."

"He obviously could not sustain relationships, and the stories about him talking to women on the telephone with this kind of sex talk, it is really just, you know, unconscionable that he would allow himself to end up like this. It's all his fault, and so I hope he seeks some help, and I hope that the women who have come forward feel good about the justice that they are receiving," she said.

Cooper reminded her that she said O'Reilly should go to jail and asked. "Do you still believe that? The president says he doesn't believe O'Reilly did anything wrong."

Waters mockingly said, "Well, -- you can't pay any attention to what the president says. They are cut from the same cloth. They are two of a kind. For the president of the United States of America to stand up for a man who has spent $13 million in settlements, even though he claims he hasn't done anything wrong, certainly he didn't spend all of that money and make these settlements because he was innocent... and this president knew that."

She continued, "But this is the way the president himself has been accused of acting with women."

Crotch grabbers, unite? So true, so true.

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