Mike Pence: Codpiece 2.0

Not again!

VP Mike Pence went to South Korea to tell the world the time of appeasing North Korea is over and then he headed over to the DMZ to stare them down.

What that means, nobody knows and I imagine the South Korean people, who don't have a government at this point, are a bit nervous right now.

After all, they are in the direct line of fire as the Trump administration continues to wag their codpieces for all to see.

Didn't America already see this farce once already?

Remember "Mission Accomplished?"

This isn't a fantasy. Talking and acting tough like John Wayne and George C. Scott only works in the movies. Real people get killed and maimed by the insufferable ego from wannabee generals and men of action.

Deadspin has a great photo posted on the codpiece 2.0. and calls Mike Pence a fu*king joke.

Are you shitting bricks yet, North Korea? Because Penis Man here wants you to know that your days of being a horrifically destitute country—in which the poor and enslaved would almost certainly bear the brunt of any additional outside military aggression—are numbered! With the same kind of steely eye that Sarah Palin gave Russia from her skinnin’ porch, Pence bravely stared down a country where people have to eat bark soup and declared YOU SHALL NOT PASS.

“I thought it was important that we went outside,” he said. “I thought it was important that people on the other side of the DMZ see our resolve in my face.”

Dude, you’re fucking afraid to eat dinner with a woman.

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