MSNBC Analyst Rips Trump's Latest North Korea Comments: 'Verbally Incontinent Man-Child'

Donald Trump seems to want a war with North Korea. The rest of us, not so much.

Donald Trump gave Reuters an exclusive interview Thursday where he discussed North Korea in some detail with his interviewer. As usual, he had no problem saying something deliberately provocative.

During the interview in the Oval Office, Trump told Reuters, "There is a chance that we could end up having a major, major conflict with North Korea. Absolutely."

This will not be seen as anything other than provocation by Kim Jong Un, and it's possible that's exactly how Trump intended it.

MSNBC analyst Rick Wilson was having none of it whatsoever.

"Donald Trump keeps looking at these things as a real estate negotiation with a lot of bluster and a lot of bluffing. and fails to realize that we're dealing with a country that is not a rational actor and that is poised to do damage to a significant ally of ours if we miscalculate on this thing," Wilson fumed.

"A lot of people could die unless Donald Trump leaves this to the grown-ups," he continued. "I would much rather have Mcmaster and Mattis and even Rex Tillerson handling this right now than this verbally incontinent man-child who feels like he is moving little toy soldiers around the board."

It's really inappropriate for the President of the United States to say things like this. We do NOT need to be in any kind of "major conflict" with North Korea, and Trump needs to fix this sooner rather than later.

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