Pat Robertson: 'Are Our Young Men Being Turned Into Wimps'

What's this really about, Pat?

Pat Robertson was bothered today and he wondered, "Are our young men being turned into wimps?"

That's always an important topic for a man of God, innit?

Brian Tashman writes, "Today, “The 700 Club” profiled a Christian military-style training camp that helps “turn boys into men,” a concept that enthralled host Pat Robertson, who complained that men today have turned into emasculated wimps."

Conservatives really have a thing against college campuses.

Robertson was besides himself, "Do you believe that they've got to apologize for being masculine?"

No, we don't believe it, Pat. But I believe it's in your very confused mind.

"They have to apologize for being white; they've got to apologize for being males. It is crazy what is happening on college campuses. "Not at Regent University I might add, but on many of them."

Hell, no! At Regent U, we turn your pussyfooting wimps and sexually confused males into hard core fighting machines!

Robertson continued, "[Masculinity] now is regarded as something shameful.”

He turned to his co-host Wendy Griffin, “Would you want a wimp?”

Griffin responded, "I like manly men and they are scarce out there. Ya, know?"

“By the time they’re little kids, they’re effeminized. I mean, it’s just awful,” Pat added.

This public service announcement was brought to you by the man who conned millions and millions of dollars (along with the rest of the televangelists) from the frail, confused and elderly.

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