Trump's First 100 Days Brings Lowest Approval Rating Ever

Tired of Winning? Is your head spinning yet?

Trump's First 100 Days Brings Lowest Approval Rating Ever

The Trump administration's first one hundred days, a milestone in every presidency, has in short, had a 'Keystone Cops' feel to it.

Remember when he said, "It’ll happen so fast, your head will spin.”

Outside of dropping the biggest non-nuclear bomb in Afghanistan, they haven't passed one piece of meaningful legislation. This was highlighted by their failed attempt to repeal and replace Obamacare. Furthermore, the courts embarrassed them over shoddily-written executive orders on their "Muslim ban," led by the creepy Stephen Miller.

The Republicans stole Obama's Supreme Court pick and then needed to change the filibuster rules in order to get Neil Gorsuch approved. This even though they hold Congress. I'd say that's no accomplishment but a heist.

And as usual, Trump continues to live in his 'Fox and Friends' fantasy land and send insane tweets like this one, with no warning:

He certainly has broken records in achievement, though, and that's in regards to his dismal approval numbers.

Donald Trump averaged 41% job approval during his first quarter as president, 14 percentage points lower than any other president in Gallup's polling history. Bill Clinton had the previous low mark of 55%. The average first-quarter rating among post-World War II presidents elected to their first term is 61%, with John Kennedy's 74% the highest.

Now that's an accomplishment! Winning!

Digby writes in Salon:

"Unfortunately for the president, he does not have even one real legislative victory. His most substantial achievement is a bill allowing hunters to kill bear cubs in their dens during hibernation."

Nonetheless, Trump says it’s been the most successful first 100 days in history, telling Fox Business News:

We freed up so much and we’re getting great, great credit for it. We have done so much for so many people. I don’t think that there is a presidential period of time in the first 100 days where anyone has done nearly what we’ve been able to do.

To borrow one of his favorite phrases: That’s fake news. And it’s so profoundly delusional that it’s actually kind of sad.

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