Villagers Gone Mad: Breitbart, Chelsea Clinton And Barack Obama Edition

Someone needs to give them a long, much-needed time out.

Villagers Gone Mad: Breitbart, Chelsea Clinton And Barack Obama Edition

Apparently there just isn't enough news for all of the Villagers who need to write a column today, so we're getting a megadose of idiotic takes from them instead.

Breitbart News is a victim?

Let us begin with Breitbart, who was denied a permanent credential by the Senate press galleries today. This is a good thing, because Breitbart does not report objective news, but instead uses their platform to spread hate and fear among their readers.

New York Times reporter Glenn Thrush was sad:

Here's a shot of Breitbart's front page from today:

"Legit news outlet." Sure.

Not to be outdone, Thrush's former "office spouse" and POLITICO pundit Jack Shafer weighed in, saying of course Breitbart should be credentialed because, well, they have traffic to their website. Seriously, that's all he could find.

On the other hand, he could find lots of arguments for the reasons the Senate gallery used to turn Breitbart down. And look at how easily he dismisses their prior bad acts:

I’d wager that the standing committee’s upturned nose has more to do with Breitbart’s outré views on race, its toadyish support of Trump during the campaign and through the first 100 days, its shameful coverage of the Shirley Sherrod video, the witless misogyny of former staffer Milo Yiannopoulos and its unrelenting partisanship than it does its fitness to carry the “members only” card that allows reporters to collect news in Washington’s official sanctums.

The Shirley Sherrod debacle alone should be enough to delegitimize them altogether, much less the rest. But onward Shafer trudges, saying we should just dismiss all of that and let them into the halls of Congress so they can further twist the truth and their headlines for more traffic.

By that metric, I'm sure he'd also argue that Alex Jones should be allowed in, too.

Bullying Chelsea Clinton as sport

For well over 24 hours, the Village men had a great time bullying Chelsea Clinton, trying desperately to get her to supply them with a detailed 4-year plan for her life BECAUSE THEY ARE SURE SHE IS RUNNING FOR OFFICE, DAMMIT.

Boy, did they bully. I picked it up here:

She replied:

And here are some of the more choice tweets from the Village:

HE TOLD HER HOW TO END IT. What a guy. The mansplaining is just...palpable.

Chris Cillizza got in on the action too.

The notable part of Cillizza's hounding? He went to all the trouble today to defend poor Ivanka against the mean people in Germany who hissed at her for pretending her dad gives a damn about women.

But, it's important to remember that Ivanka is, first and foremost, her father's daughter. As such, she is going to defend him -- as would almost every daughter in any situation in which her dad is under attack. And, whatever you think of the Trumps, it's beyond debate that they are a very close-knit family who always sticks together.

Oh. But then again, having Ivanka Trump serve as Daddy's surrogate abroad is nothing like Chelsea Clinton NOT running for office. I mean, at least the Clintons consider doing it one at a time instead of putting the whole damned clan in there at once.

Cillizza has a history of Ivanka love, though. He thinks she's awesome. Apparently Chelsea, not so much.

Obama's speaking gig causes weeping and gnashing of teeth

Hey, everyone. Our former president got a little job on the side, speaking to Wall Streeters. And he's going to make $400,000 for it and hoo boy, let's just pile on about it, shall we?

Matt Yglesias is sure it undermines everything he fought for.

Obama should take seriously the message it sends to those young people if he decides to make a career out of buckraking. He knows that Hillary Clinton isn't popular with the youth cohort the way he is. And he knows that populists on both the left and the right want to make a sweeping ideological critique of all center-left politics, not just a narrow personal one of Clinton. Does Obama want them to win that battle and carry the day with the message that mainstream politics is just a moneymaking hustle?

Of course, it's just one speech. Nothing is irrevocable about one speech. But money doesn't get any easier to turn down with time, any more than rebuking friends and colleagues gets easier. To make his post-presidency a success, Obama should give this money to some good cause and then swear off these gigs entirely.

Oh, bullshit. For starters, he's not running for office EVER AGAIN. Secondly, he and the former First Lady have donated far more to charity from their earnings in the past than other presidents. Thirdly, this is about the value of his work (and his words). The guy just got a huge book contract. Does anyone think he took this gig because he wanted the money? Or maybe it's because he wanted to say something to those bankers and they were willing to pay him to say it? Huh.


While all of this is going on, the country is burning down at the hands of an autocrat who has installed his family in the White House like a third-world dictator. No hot takes on that at all.

One of those family members (Trump Jr) endorsed Nigel Farage's claims about Marine LePen today. Marine LePen -- a fascist! There is a Nazi named Sebastian Gorka on the White House staff.

But these guys are worried about whether Chelsea is running for office, whether Ivanka should be hissed at, Breitbart's legitimacy, and the impurity of Barack Obama.

This is why we cannot have nice things. Right here. Everything is clickbait. Nothing is serious with these guys. Between the misogyny, their double standard for Obama, and their obvious ability to overlook the evil Breitbart does, they're just ridiculous and paid way too much to pollute the news cycles.

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