WSJ Reporter Tells Fox News Susan Rice Allegations Are A Distraction

Not even the WSJ is buying this new attempt to shift the narrative away from Trump and the Russians.

The WSJ's John Bussey told Fox News' Shep Smith that it makes no difference if the Susan Rice allegations are proven true, the real story still is whether Trump officials colluded with the Russians.

After Sean Spicer's presser, Shep Smith had on Bussey to discuss today's news flurries.

Towards the end of their segment, Shep explained how differing parties are trying to control the narrative surrounding the three investigations into the actions the Russians had on our election process and if any Trump members colluded with their efforts.

Smith said, "They would like us instead to talk about this unmasking business and Susan Rice's alleged involvement therein."

Bussey said the Wall Street Journal had not confirmed the story about if Susan Rice had asked for the identities of "people who were caught up in the incidental surveillance of foreign nationals."

Smith said, "In other words, who most likely Sergei Kislyak was speaking with or communicating with from inside Trump's world."

Bussey then explained that what we know at this point, "They are allowed to do that [unmasking] if you're an official" and it looked like the process was completely legal.

He said it could play a factor in discussing the story, which we all know means Trump surrogates fanning out in the media and screaming about Trump being wiretapped.

Bussey continued, "I can't imagine that it's going to change the core narrative here, which is who in the Trump campaign was communicating with the Russians. What were those conversations about, did they in any way effect the U.S. electoral process. I think that's going to be the focus of the Senate and House committees as well as the general public."

I agree with what he said except when dealing with the House Intelligence Committee. Due to Chairman Nunes' bizarre actions, he's already destroyed its credibility at this point and if they do continue to push on in some sort of bipartisan way, Nunes will still try and taint the proceeding to shield Trump from any bad news.

But it's striking that the WSJ has refused to pile on with the rest of the right wing fever swamp to denounce Susan Rice and triumphantly exalt Trump and his team.

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