Bob Schieffer On Trump: 'He’s Making Fools Of His Own Staff'
The former host of Face The Nation had harsh words for Trump's handling of his tenure so far.
During an interview on CBS This Morning, the former host of Face The Nation Bob Schieffer took apart Trump for turning his administration into utter chaos.
"Look at what's happened in Washington right now. It's come to a complete stop while the country and Washington tries to digest the firing of James Comey."
Schieffer told the CBS morning crew that firing Comey will not put to rest the Russia story for Trump and "sending these people out to explain the inexplicable is not going to help."
Bob continued, "He’s making fools of his own staff. The White House appears to be in chaos. It is the original amateur hour as we look at it from the outside.”
CBS put up a graph that shows the American people believe Comey got fired over the Russian investigation.

“Sending these people out to explain the inexplicable is not going to help,” Schieffer said, noting that firing Comey will not put the Russia issue to rest.
“He’s making fools of his own staff. The White House appears to be in chaos. It is the original amateur hour as we look at it from the outside.”
Gayle King read off a Trump tweet, "It's not possible for my surrogates to stand at the podium with perfect accuracy."
Bob replied, "Well, that would go into the Understatement Hall of Fame."

Schieffer implored Trump to go to Congress and open his books or the Russian ties will dog his entire presidency.