CNN Exposes Trump Administration's Phony 'Border Wall'

It wasn't a border wall or fence at all, but a safety measure put up by workers already doing repairs.

During today's press conference Sean Spicer used photos of a decrepit fence to prove that Trump received money from the budget to fix what he called border walls.

A reporter got into a shouting match with Spicer asking him if the picture was a wall or a fence.

“Those images represent our nation’s current border security,” Spicer said. “So every time that [undocumented immigrants] cut through, break through, it’s costing just under a thousand bucks for us to go out and have to fix.”

“Just one question about the photos,” Spieling interrupted. “Are those photos of fences or walls.”

“That is a fence,” Spiering said. “That is called a levee wall,” Spicer replied.

I laughed watching this exchange because it was so ridiculous.

Mick Mulvaney used a similar image the day before and arrogantly pointed out that Trump was actually keeping his campaign promise of building border fences walls with the newly passed budget.


CNN sent a reporter to investigate the images the Trump administration used to make their case and guess what they found? More lies and deceptions.

Anderson Cooper opened up a "Keeping Them Honest" segment saying President Trump wants to build a wall on the border with Mexico. In the recent budget, there wasn't any money for it. There was some for border security but not for the wall itself. That hasn't stopped the White House from showing up with props in the briefing room to try and argue otherwise."

He continued, "Press Secretary Sean Spicer showed border fencing under construction and pointed to a fence he said is being replaced by a steel wall. Both of them he said are examples of how the president is keeping his pledge about the wall. Just yesterday, the budget director also talked about securing the border and used some of the same photos. take a look."

That's correct and Mulvaney didn't know where that wall was, but here's a hint. It's not a wall or a border fence at all. And the monies used to repair the area they describe came from the Bush administration!

Gary Tuchman said, "The chain-link fence has never been a border fence. workers and law enforcement say they can't go on camera, tell us it's part of the construction site put up by the construction workers for safety."


He continued, "To be clear, border wall and border fencing is often getting repaired and replaced. If president Trump wants to build a new wall in a place that hasn't had one, he doesn't have the authorization or money to do that. At least yet. what Mr. Trump does have is the right to improve and repair current walls and fences. the same exact thing presidents before him have had.

After the segment ended, Cooper asked, "I just want to go back to one thing in your piece. That chain-link fence that the White House keeps saying they are replacing, that is not actually not a border barrier, that's part of the construction site put up by construction workers?"

Tuchman replied, " Right. a temporary fence. before the temporary fence was there, there was a fairly tall steel wall. but it got old. There were repairs that had to be done."

Spicer even thanked the reporter who asked the question about the border walls so he could effortlessly transition into his presentation. You can't make this up.

This administration functions like third rate alt-right blogger hacks.

It looks like these idiots searched "border walls" in Google Images and picked something they liked and threw it out to the world.

Almost everyone that is forced to do a press conference invariably winds up spewing Trump lies and propaganda.

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