CNN Rejects Trump 'First 100 Days' Campaign Ad Because It's 'Fake'
Even Trump's campaign ad is bogus.
You may not have seen Trump's bogus First 100 Days ad, but it's a doozy.
I can't remember a newly elected president having a campaign ad run after their first one hundred days.
They must feel like they need some extra propaganda floating out there since Trump's short time in office has been so embarrassing.
And I thought Trump said the 100 days benchmark was whack?
CNN refused to run the ad on the basis that it's "false."
"The mainstream media is not fake news, and therefore the ad is false. Per our policy, it will be accepted only if that graphic is deleted. Those are the facts."
The ad is a crock - period!
Quoting memos and wish lists are not achievements. Mr. President.
The Trump/Pence website then attacked CNN, headlining their memo "Fake News Station Refuses to Run Ad Highlighting The President's First Hundred Days":
“It is absolutely shameful to see the media blocking the positive message that President Trump is trying to share with the country. It's clear that CNN is trying to silence our voice and censor our free speech because it doesn't fit their narrative," said Michael Glassner, Executive Director.
CNN takes issue with the ad’s message calling out the mainstream media for peddling fake news and not reporting on the fact that President Trump is making America great again.
So who's the faker?